Brief Transportation Update

My flight to Cyprus is scheduled to take off five hours from… NOW!
I’ve heard back‎ from Salamis Shipping. There is a weekly ferry from Limassol to Haifa which leaves Monday at 17:00, arriving on Tuesday at 08:00. It’s possible to walk the 70 kms in the 40 hours or so I’d have between clearing customs in Larnaca and queueing up for customs in Limassol, but I’ll be taking a bus instead.
Once I arrive in Haifa, I’ll probably take the Israel National Trail and rely on the network of “trail angels” for accommodation, but I’ve heard from another pilgrim who just stuck to the main road. That would probably be easier, but maybe not quite as pretty. Or I can always start on the one and switch to the other.
The big news is that I’ve purchased my return ticket. On April 24 I’ll be flying British Airways from Amman (Jordan) to London‎ and then transferring to an Air Canada flight to Toronto.‎ “Home again, home again, jiggety-jig!”‎

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