To Where God Dwells

Instead of working on my Turkish or getting an early night, I spent an hour watching a stunning documentary filmed by a Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Johannes M. Shwarz. It will only be online until Monday, the 16th of February, so I encourage you to check it out before then.
Here’s Fr. Johannes’ description of the video:
This film documents the first 5000 miles of my walking pilgrimage from Central Europe to Jerusalem and back (8700 miles/14.000 km total). Making a film was never the object of my journey, but when you bring a GH3 some things are bound to get “shot.”
After I returned 6 months ago, I thought long about how to tell the tale in 60 minutes and it was not easy. I watched a number of travel docs and road movies, but I felt nothing of the sort would do those first 33 weeks to Jerusalem justice (same old, same old). So I opted for a different approach, inspired by the film “The Great Silence.” Whether I succeed or fail miserably to tell my story is for the viewer to decide. So I’m making this preview available for one week, in the hope of getting helpful feedback and input from the vimeo community.
Monday 16th I will make this video private or delete it, hopefully having good suggestions to work on.
For German speakers there is a book coming out in a month and more info at:

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