An extra day in Edessa

This morning, for the first time on my pilgrimage, I have had serious internal turmoil. (I’m trying to be circumspect.) Beginning a 40 km walk with gastrointestinal issues is not something I’m keen to do, so I think I’ll stay in Edessa for an extra day and then hop a bus to Thessaloniki on Sunday after Liturgy. (My 90 day stay in the Schengen area is rapidly drawing to a close.) I think it’ll be safe to make short exploratory forays into the old city, but I won’t be going too far from civilisation today. I may also visit a pharmacy and buy a remedy for what’s ailing me.

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  1. Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell Peter. I usually travel with gastro stoppers, an antibiotic and tablets for stomach cramps just in case. I had to use them one day walking the Via Francigena. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Feel well soon.

  2. The good news is, I didn't need either remedy — although I suspect Raul's suggestion won't cure anything, just leave me in a state where I don't care. 😉


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