Vous etes un prêtre?

That was the question asked of me by several of the Augustinians with

whom I am sheltering in Martigny tonight. It’s a natural enough thing

for them to wonder. In spite of the mention in Alison Raju’s guidebook

to the Via Francigena, I’m fairly sure the Paroisse Catholique doesn’t

get many pilgrims on their doorstep. They were very patient as I tried

to explain in my broken halting French what I was doing and what I

hoped they could do for me.


for your pilgrimage from the appropriate source, ask for it in writing

on official letterhead. Then get it translated into as many languages

as you’ll need and that will fit on the page. Abouna Iskander, if

you’re reading this, shukran gazeelan!

At any rate, I had arrived 10 minutes before dinner. I was shown to my

room and by the time I had washed up and changed I was ten minutes

late. A place had been set for me and my tardiness was not commented

on. After dinner I met one elderly father who has a beter command of

Old Church Slavonic than I do. (Not saying much, but still, it put a

smile on my face.) After learning that they serve Mass at 7:15 (and

explaining why I would not be communing) I crawled off to my room.

Finally, time for a shower and some horizontal time. The thick

feather comforter on the bed is utterly decadent. I woke up an hour

later and managed to get online using my Kindle. It is not an elegant

solution, but it works. What hasn’t worked for me at all since

arriving in Switzerland is the global SIM wth data enabled. Once I

find some WiFi I’ll have to look into that. Or just wait until I cross

into Italy.

And that leads me to the final topic I’ll peck out on this – well,

I’ll be charitable and call it a “functional” keyboard. I made it to

Martigny before dark, but it took me twice as long as it would have

three days ago. Given the terrain I need to cover in the next three

days of walking, I am not leaving this city until I can walk without

wincing. I should be good to go by Tuesday. These hydrocolloidal

dressings are awesome. I just need to spend as much time off my feet

as I can over the next few days.

I’m clean, warm, and well fed. As a pilgrim, there isn’t much more you

can ask for.

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