1. Multiple Choice: Where was Jesus when he healed the boy who was sick at Capernaum?
a) In Cana.
b) In Sychar.
c) In Jerusalem.
d) In Nazareth.
e) In Capernaum.
2. Multiple Choice: What is the name of the city of Samaria where Jacob’s well is?
a) Cana
b) Sychar
c) Jerusalem
d) Nazareth
e) Capernaum
3. Short Answer: At what hour did the fever leave the nobleman’s son?
4. Yes or No: Did Jesus baptize?
5. Fill in the Blanks (two different words): The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to ______ with, and the _______ is deep.”
6. Short Answer: How many days did Jesus stay in Samaria?
7. Multiple Choice: True worshippers will worship the Father ___________; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship _____________.
a) in meekness and sincerity
b) in faith and love
c) in spirit and truth
d) with glory and honour
e) none of the above
8. Short Answer: At what hour did Jesus sit by the well?
9. Short Answer: How many husbands had the Samaritan woman had?
10. Fill in the Blank: He who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may ___________ together.
11. True or False: The healing of the nobleman’s son was the third sign Jesus did when He had come out of Judea into Galilee.
Here are the answers.
Go to Chapter 5.