On the 22 of December 1858, Giacomo Puccini was born in this house. It’s a museum now. http://flic.kr/p/q2bhtv
Author: phool4xc
Life on the Road
The last time I posted a major update, I was in Aullo considering my options for the next day of walking. I’d arrived at the parish hostel by 6:00, but on the way there I had noticed a laundromat. After checking in and greeting […]
A Very Good Day
This will be brief. The weather was ideal for walking. Chilly and overcast to begin with, but walking steadily at a good clip meant I stayed toasty warm in just my merino t-shirt and a lightweight long-sleeved shirt. By the time I’d gone 6 […]
Seashore Sunset
A Choice of Paths
Contrary to my expectations, today saw me slogging through mud and underbrush, walking up and then down steep, slick, leaf-covered rocky paths, and also dodging traffic around hairpin turns. Not at all ideal. The last six kilometres took me three hours, and it was […]
The Maestro of Hospitality
A Parting of Ways
Knowing that today’s walk would be challenging, last night I told Michael I’d like to leave by 7:30. It’s only 31 km from Fornovo di Taro to Berceto, but the last two-thirds of that are very arduous, so I wanted to get an early […]