I came across this article yesterday after someone drew my attention to it. Although the specifics of the journey differ, it reminds me both of my pre-Camino post easy yokes and light burdens and my actual experience on the Camino. It was encouraging to read considering the not insignificant trek I’m preparing for. The conclusion of the article is worth quoting in full here:
The ready generosity of strangers has been the most important lesson he’s taken from his travels, says [veteran travel writer Don] George, who edited an anthology called The Kindness of Strangers for Lonely Planet Publications.
“It’s been probably the single greatest revelation I’ve had as a traveller . . . that basically the world is full of kindness,” he says.
“If you get into trouble somewhere and you say to somebody ‘I need help’ . . . wow! the whole village comes out to help you and take care of you and I’ve found that time and time again.
I think, ‘Can you help me?’ are four of the most powerful words in the world.”